My Sister's Grave - Robert Dugoni

"Twenty years ago, I saw a shooter, went by the name Kid Crossdraw, I believed, though everyone just called her 'The Kid.'"

Tracy stopped.

The Banker smiled and continued. "I saw her in Olympia. Best shooter I ever saw, until today. Never saw her again after that, though. She had a father and a sister that were pretty good too. You wouldn't happen to have heard of her, would you?"

"I have," Tracy said. "But you're mistaken."

"What about?"

"She's still the best shooter."

The Banker played with an end of his moustache. "I'd love to see it. Do you know where she might be competing next?"

"I do," Tracy said. "But you're going to have to wait a bit. She's shooting at higher targets now."

Thursday, July 21, 2016